The Harvey War Memorial Library which was opened on Empire Day, 24 May 1922, was built to serve a dual purpose – a library and a memorial to commemorate the soldiers who enlisted from the district during the First World War. The boards can still be viewed in the Library in 2018.
E Abberton*, W Anderson, T Anderson, C Anthony*, HM Anthony, W Anthony Jr, C Atkins, H Ayling*, H Barnes, A Bell, LV Brady, C Brown*, HC Buist, E Camden, R Camden, E Charman, R Charman, HR Clarke, TAH Clarke, C Cooper*, Cecil Cooper, JW Cooper, V Crampton, A Delaporte*, G Devereux, E Dewing, J Dewing, HG Dixon, W Egerton, R Evans*, J Fallon, M Fallon, WP Fears, B Floyd*, T Floyd, A Forrest, D Fraser, C Gibbs, L Gibbs, GSD Gibney*, AB Gloster, A Green, H Gridley, WV Groves, R Hansen, G Harrison, M Harrison, B Hayward, R Henry, J Hepton, R Hester, J Higgins, A Hindmarsh, L Ibbotson, R Ibbotson, G Inman, A Ireland, H Johnson, K Johnson, P Jurgenson, A Key, CE King, W Lee*, D Leitch, Sister Larsen, C Livingstone, M Livingstone, BH Lofthouse, AM Logue, Jack Lowe, Jim Lowe*, J McNeil, P McNeil, W McQuade, W Martin, RH Maxwell, FS Morris, S Mountain, T Murray, FN Myatt*, HM Myatt, F Newby, J Newman, EJ Nicholaus, AT O’Driscoll, J Omerod, AG Ottrey, EE Page, CR Palmer*, F Pell*, HG Palmer, A Pollock, R Pomeroy, B Pounteney*, W Redwood, G Rigg, H Rigg, D Robertson, B Roebuck*, L Roesner, J Rollo, E Rowley, E Simmons, A Smith, AE Smith, AH Smith, E Smith, C Snell*, G Snudden, J Snudden, W Snudden*, JA Stewart, P Stone, S Sutcliffe, WJ Sutton, W Swaffer, F Symons, AL Taylor, C Taylor, D Taylor, W Taylor, J Teer, S Terry, G Thoroughood*, DGS Turnbull*, A Wellman*, L Weston, WE White, J Williamson.
*Paid Supreme Sacrifice
The third Roll of Honour commemorates men and women from the Harvey District who served during the Second World War.
1939 – 1945
A Acreman*, AA Alcock*, GW Anderson, HA Atkins, AH Austen, LTG Baker, HG Baker, AE Ball, N Barnes, OH Becher, JR Bennett, N Bennett, W Bennison, WG Berry, RJ Bevin, A Black, JD Black, JH Blackbarrow, GC Blowfield, HJ Brandis, DM Breen, J Briggs, AM Buchanan, NR Buchanan*, EA Buchenara, WE Butcher, JD Byers, KJ Byers, LT Byers, PJ Byers, D Camden, R Chapman, EH Childs, JD Chinn, SW Clarke, CM Clifton*, JM Clifton, GF Clifton, RW Clifton*, M Clifton, JH Cook, LE Cooper, C Craddock*, RB Cumming, WA Currell, R Darby*, BJ Delbidge, SRJ Delbridge, C Denham, JW Dennis, PR Dewe, C D’Evelynes, O D’Evelynes, B McL Downe, A Downes*, L Downes, AF Driscoll, BF Driscoll, JA Driscoll, R Driscoll, J Drysdale, TW Drysdale, R Drysdale, GB Durack, NP Durack, OG Eames, G Earnshaw, AR Eckersley, DP Eckersley, JC Edwards, RW Edwards, WH Edwards, K Ellis, EG Evenis, WJ Field*, A Fielder, DG Fielder, F Fielder, TV Fielder, LF Franklin, SG Fry, PG Fry, E Fryer, AW Galloway, JA Galvin*, GE Gibbs, JM Gibbs, LA Gibsone, RA Gibsone, TH Gibsone, PV Gibsone, TH Goddard, RR Goodson, AW Green*, LR Grieves, MD Grieves, BCH Hack, H Hackett, SJ Hadlow, WGS Hahn, H Harris, RC Harris, CG Harrison, KP Hayward, RR Hayward, R Hedley, WJ Hepton, E Herold, P Higgins, J Higgins, K Hinge, RG Hobbs*, JH Hocart, L Hodgson, R Hodgson, JC Illingworth, E James, SA James, WO James, ER Jones, FR Jones, G Jones, HE Jurgenson, CR Kealy, E Kealy, WJ Kealy*, CW Kemp, JR Keynes, MG Keynes, SD Keyser, E King, CFN Knight, LG Knight, CJ Latch, PR Latch, C Lawson, H Layfield, HL Lilburne, BB Lofthouse, RH Lofthouse, T Lofthouse, AE London*, J Lowe*, JC Lund, ED Manning, IW Manning, KG Manning, L Manning, WS Marlow, RH Marriott, AJ Martin, WE Mayne*, P Milligan, RM Milligan, VC Milligan, GN Milne, RH Mitting, WP Mitting, VE Mitting, HE Moore, RJ Moore, SR Moore, GE Morris, G Munro, E McCarthy*, AA McDaniell, JG McEwin, LK McKelvie, WD McMurdo, F McQuade, WH McQuade, R Noble*, EJ Offer, JH O’Maugher, AA Osborne, JA Osborne*, TA Ottrey, FM Paget, J Parker, SA Palmer, GW Palmer, GB Payne, EJ Pearson, GJ Pearson, NJ Pearson, SF Peters, CAVG Petersen, C Petersen, WE Petersen*, HP Pilkington, LM Pimlott, GC Pinner, HA Pittard, JJ Pritchard, A Pollock, R Pollock, M Pottinger, AE Ramsay, AW Regan, IM Rennie, LH Retzlaff, MA Rigg, DM Robertson, WJ Robertson, L Robinson, CR Roesner, B Rowley*, R Rowley, RJ Shalders, EH Shalders, P Shaw, PL Sims, AH Smith, DWR Smith, EWT Smith, KG Smith, LE Smith, WE Smith, AO Stacy, HW Steele, GIB Stewart, BJ Streeter, DG Stone, WW Sutton, R Symmonds, AH Tassel, F Terry, WJC Terry*, S Terry, WE Theodore, EH Thorpe, EK Treadwell, DA Tredrea, RJ Trevenon, SA Trevenon, JW Truslove, S Tyers, AS Venables, EM Venables, G Venables, V Waddingham, N Walters, R Warwick, G White, WE White, WR White, F Whitehurst, CA Wickham, JG Williams, JE Willmott, D Wilson, DP Wilson, N Winsor, HS Wooders, J Youngson.
*Killed In Action
Additions to original board.
JM Anthony, L Atkins, CB Berry, JF Aggis, JR Buist, RH Campbell, SJ Campbell, WN Campbell, WT Cobb, AW Conner, R Conner, CC Crane, N Eastwood, LP Fryer, RO Grey, WH Hackett, LT Jones, WF Mincham, RJ MacNeill, F Morton, NA Ottery, CGT Paget, GDG Palmer, AF Prebble, EJ Pryce, JW Pryce, RD Pryce, ML Taylor, RE White.
HM Appleyard, M Blowfield, DM Breen, N Corker, ERE Fry, VAM Hobbs, PE Johnson, J McNamara, J Payne, BE Scott, AM Serjeant, GL Smith, FJ Theodore, MI Wickham.
Additions to original board – Women.
E Anthony, D Campbell, FM Pryce, H Newby, B Willis.